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Texas Mission Offering     為德州宣教月奉獻


Read 1 John 3:16-18 參閱約翰一書三 16-18節


LoveStrong 堅定付出愛


    We find a love that leads to action. God's love for us led Him to action. He gave His own Son so that we could be in relationship with Him. Because of God's great love for us we must give our lives for each other. We must take action when we see a need.



    Each of us sees needs all around us. Pray that God will cause compassion to grow within you and you will be led to action. One action you can do right now where you are is to pray for these needs.



    LoveStrong - in your words and in your actions!


Lottie Moon International Mission Offering  為國際佈道募款奉獻




El Paso Chinese Baptist Church

巴  梳  華  人  浸  信  會


2030 Grant Ave. El Paso,

TX 79930

TEL: (915) 532-7153


Thanksgiving Basket 感恩籃奉獻


Celebrating 50 years of Giving:



   Each year our church reaches out to the city of El Paso and distributes Thanksgiving Baskets to many needy families. In the past, we have raised over $1,100.00 in donations. With this donation, we were able to feed about 14 needy families.


    This year our goal is $1,800.00. Pray that we can reach this goal so that we can help families in crisis and in need.


     As in the past as well in the present our church is able to provide some sustenance and spiritual joy to some families in the community during this Thanksgiving Season.


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