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Las Cruces Chinese Student Fellowship




Friday: Location is the Baptist Student Union building (A.K.A. "Christian Challenge"), 1313 E. University Ave. (across the street from New Mexico State Univesity). A free fellowship meal of authentic Chinese food is served at 6:30pm followed by worship and Bible studies in Chinese and English at 7:00pm. Childcare provided.

周五:浸学生会校园  晚上7点


Sunday:  Worship service 11:00am

                 Calvary Baptist Church

                 Las Cruces, New Mexico



New Mexico State University is located in the city of Las Cruces in the state of New Mexico. It is a major public, and research university. Chinese students and Chinese scholars average 150 in attendance each semester. Currently it has 12 Chinese professors in different fields.



In this college environment, our church started a home bible study at one of the Chinese student’s home. It was in September of 1991. After one month, attendance ballooned to ten. We needed more space and with the help of the Baptist Student Union the Bible study group moved to the Baptist Student Union building on campus.



In the spring of 1992, we started harvest; five students were baptized into our church. We have many students accepted Christ as their personal savior. Highest attendance at the bible study group was over 60. This is not only students but family and children as well. Through the years 40 students were baptized and many accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviors but were afraid to make a public confession since they will be persecuted once they return to China.



Beside bible studies, guest speakers were periodically invited to speak and give their testimonies. They are from various age groups. This showed to the students that God’s Blessing covers all ages and groups. At the beginning of each semester, we will have a welcome party for the new students and friends. Average attendance for the event was over 100. We can see the good news, because we really want to serve him and raise Jesus Christ in the air.



NMSU is not a large university. Chinese student mobility is very high. In one or two years we can see many new faces. Even though this is a problem, but God always provided students to be minister.



As you can see, the bible study group continue to grow in numbers as well as grow in the Spiritual education. Tuesday begins a prayer meeting with co-workers. Sunday worship Service at local Calvary Baptist Church started in 1994 for the students and family. We can see the spark of the gospel started burning and the saved added to this group.


Currently there are 3 bible classes being offered every Friday night meeting. One class for children. One class is being taught in English and one class in Chinese.



We thank God that He can do wonders; He can change lazy children to construct vineyards so that we can work in, changed lives, even though we have little strength to learn to keep His truth. Never forsake His door to open the gate of Heaven to allow many to go in. In this the 50th anniversary of our church, we Thank God we can do His Fight for Him.   



By Ho-Fu Dai


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